The clothing you wear affects your mood. Want to feel confident? Wear a suit and some nice shoes or a professional dress with heels. Want to raise your spirits? Throw on a Hawaiian shirt. Many different studies support the notion that you choose your clothing based on mood, and choosing a certain clothing can affect and change your mood. In a one particular study, it was found that people performed in certain roles better when they were wearing the uniform associated with the task. Now we could get deep into the interesting phycology of clothing, but lets keep it light for now.
So...how can Hawaiian shirts make you happier?
Hawaiian shirts are generally associated with summer, parties, the beach or vacations. I would be surprised if some of these words did not elicit positive emotions or make you think of a good time. By putting on a Hawaiian shirt, you in some capacity, live these experiences again in your mind, or your expectation of what these experiences would be. There is no situation where an outfit with a top-quality Hawaiian shirt would not be appropriate. Just check out some of the photos on our website where our models have dressed up and down. So there is no reason that you should limit your amazing experiences while wearing a Hawaiian shirt to beaches, Tiki bars and palm trees. Enjoy a stroll through the city, a meal at a smart restaurant or hurtling axes towards targets at the local axe throwing lounge. Now in summer, the shirt itself may not be the only thing that will elate your mood.
Summer is the season of happiness - as vitamin D intake increases, it improves a number of functions in the body including serotonin and testosterone production. And with people getting out more - exercising and socialising, people tend to be in higher spirits. Chuck a Hawaiian shirt in the mix and you have a surefire way to crush seasonal depression out of existence.
Do you feel happier when you put on a Hawaiian shirt or dress?
Nothing changes
Not at all
As the seasons slowly turn the corner into the warmer months we have all been waiting for, Hawaiian shirts start to come to mind (or is that just me?). Too cowardly to wear them in the cold months, they have sat in my closet, patiently waiting. But get ready to crack them out along with a classic cocktail (click here to find out how to make the perfect mojito) enjoy the warmer months here in Australia.
So keep a big smile on your face and wear clothes that give you confidence, joy and inspire you to greater heights, and get plenty of beautiful sun on your skin! Referenced articles and studies: https://www.rd.com/list/clothes-affect-mood/
Rudd, N. and Lennon, S., 2001. Body Image: Linking Aesthetics and Social Psychology of Appearance. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 19(3), pp.120-133. Available at: <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0887302X0101900303> [Accessed 1 September 2022].