About Us
G'day, I'm Sam Vaatstra, owner of The Hawaiian Shirt Co. Australia.
We are proud to be Australia's premium supplier for unique Hawaiian shirts.
'Our mission is to provide premium Hawaiian shirts, made in Hawaii, with fast shipping and excellent customer service.'

The Hawaiian Shirt Co. Australia began after I found, by chance, that there were barely any high-quality Hawaiian made Hawaiian shirts in Australia with the classic designs we all think of when we hear 'Hawaiian shirt'.
Most of the shirts available in Australia are polyester. We see this is a big issue because of the adverse health and environmental effects that polyester have. While no giant clothing manufacturing process is going to be perfect, we think cutting out polyester is a positive step in the right direction. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
We want to bring these Hawaiian shirts and Hawaiian dresses to Australia, so you don't have to worry about the expenses of shipping from overseas.
We sincerely hope you enjoy wearing these shirts, have good times with them and make fond memories that will last a lifetime.
Sam & The Team at Hawaiian Shirt Co.