If drug lords in Colombia can rock a great look with aviators, a Hawaiian shirt and Mojito in hand, why can't you?
Possibly one of the most refreshing cocktails you could have on a real scorcher of a day, the Mojito is a timeless classic. Its cool, bubbly, not too sweet and not too sour. I would equate a packed-to-the-brim with ice Mojito with cracking the lid on an ice cold beer after a long day of work in the sun.
The Mojito apparently started its life as a medicinal drink, with a local Cuban moonshine as the base spirit, topped with the usual ingredients bar the soda. Pirates invaded Cuba, and soon after they too adopted the drink, and, in classic pirate fashion, swapped the moonshine with rum.
Regardless of its history, I’m here to run you through making your very own Cuban Mojito.

2 Shots of White Rum
½ Shot of sugar syrup
1 Shot of freshly squeezed lime juice
8-10 ice cubes
Soda water to top
Mint leaves and lime slice to garnish
Begin with pouring the rum into a shaker, place a few mint leaves in the bottom of the glass and gently muddle them in just to release some of the mint oils.
Next, pour in the sugar syrup and lime juice. Throw in 2-3 ice cubes, place the lid on and begin to shake vigorously for 10-15 seconds.
Place the remaining ice cubes in a long glass and using a strainer, pour the mix into the glass.
Pour soda water into the glass until it reaches the brim, then garnish with a slice of lime and some fresh mint leaves. Now enjoy the ecstasy!
Here is an amazingly aesthetic video by Equal Parts Cocktail on YouTube. Go check it out!
Loco Gringo 2018, Happy Mojito Day – The History of the Mojito Cocktail, Loco Gringo, 11 July 2018, viewed 18 March 2021, <https://www.locogringo.com/blog/food/happy-mojito-day-history-mojito-cocktail>

Thank you!! Just made my first Mojito! 🙏☺️